Burris Scope Mount

Burris 1″ AR Scope Mount

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2012-10-04 20:29:31Z | |




MSRP $107




The Burris AR-P.E.P.R. Quick Detachable Mount is perfect for mounting your scope forward on your AR-style rifle. The Proper Eye Position Ready (P.E.P.R.) Mount provides 2″ of forward scope positioning room which will allow you to obtain proper eye relief and maintain a proper shooting position.Choose between the permanent attachment style or the quick detach option which allows you to quickly remove and replace your optic. The rings also feature Picatinny tops which allow you to mount additional accessories.

Technical Information:

  • Material: Aluminum


For more information, email at sales@glgarms.com